UPMC Pregnancy Screening Laboratory

The UPMC Pregnancy Screening Laboratory (PSL) offers state-of-the-art testing for identifying pregnancies at increased risk for chromosome conditions such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21) or trisomy 18, or open neural tube defects, such as spina bifida or anencephaly. The PSL offers screening tests in both the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Our experienced staff takes great care in interpreting the results of testing and communicating these results to the referring physician. In the event of a positive screening test (increased risk), our genetic counselors are available to discuss with the parents the decision to have further testing. This decision should be based on a number of factors, including the risk of birth defects and the risks of the procedure.
Tests Performed
- First-trimester screening (PAPP-A, hCG, nuchal translucency)
- Quad screen (AFP, hCG, uE3, Inhibin-A)
- Amniotic fluid AFP
- Amniotic fluid AchE
Contact Information
Magee-Womens Hospital300 Halket Street, Room 1216
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Telephone: 412-641-4057
Fax: 412-641-8730
UPMC Pregnancy Screening Laboratory
The UPMC Pregnancy Screening Laboratory (PSL) offers state-of-the-art testing for identifying pregnancies at increased risk for chromosome conditions such as Down syndrome (trisomy 21) or trisomy 18, or open neural tube defects, such as spina bifida or anencephaly. The PSL offers screening tests in both the first and second trimester of pregnancy. Our experienced staff takes great care in interpreting the results of testing and communicating these results to the referring physician. In the event of a positive screening test (increased risk), our genetic counselors are available to discuss with the parents the decision to have further testing. This decision should be based on a number of factors, including the risk of birth defects and the risks of the procedure.
Tests Performed
- First-trimester screening (PAPP-A, hCG, nuchal translucency)
- Quad screen (AFP, hCG, uE3, Inhibin-A)
- Amniotic fluid AFP
- Amniotic fluid AchE
Contact Information
Magee-Womens Hospital300 Halket Street, Room 1216
Pittsburgh, PA 15213
Telephone: 412-641-4057
Fax: 412-641-8730